How The Good News Becomes A Reality
This is where it gets real. Books could be written, and have been, to unpack each of the following statements. To begin with, these are for helping someone to become hungry, and begin to seek out the Truth, and ultimately seek out the Author of the Truth: Yahweh. And here we go:
Yeshua was a real, authentic historical figure.
He really was nailed to a wooden cross, to die like a criminal.
He really didn't deserve that, but chose to go through with it.
He knew that his suffering and death was a sacrifice.
That sacrifice was what Yahweh required, for our forgiveness.
Yahweh so loved the world that He gave up his son, Yeshua.
Yeshua died. But he came back to life on the third day.
He will always be alive, and wants us to always be, as well.
This requires for us to trust in, cling to, and rely on him (Yeshua).
This is so that we can be a "new creation", with a new nature.
Our old nature, with all the baggage, must first be given up.
Every bad thought, word and intention is part of the old nature.
Everything we've ever done, inside and out, can be made clean.
Yahweh requires that we be clean, to connect with him.
Yeshua has made the way for this to be possible.
In reality, first, the old nature has to "die". It's a choice.
This doesn't change who we are. It enhances who we are!
It's perfectly fine for us to feel bad about any of our baggage.
This motivates us to seek forgiveness, and become clean.
The choice for the old nature to die, then requires a "burial".
This "death and burial" is expressed by us being baptized.
By His Spirit, we will then begin resurrection life, spiritually.
It's an exchange: our old life for Yeshua's Spirit in us.
We get to ask him to fully come into our life ... as our Master.
The benefits are out of this world!
The ultimate, intended result is for us to literally live forever.
This eternal life is so that we will be part of Yahweh's kingdom.
One time, Yeshua said, "I am the way, the truth and the life! No one comes to the Father except through me." He also said, "Keep asking, and it will be given to you; keep seeking, and you will find; keep knocking, and the door will be opened." Never give up, never surrender. "The eyes of Yahweh move here and there throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those who are wholehearted toward Him."
We've made ourselves available to Yahweh, to use us, if He so chooses, to help anyone who is seriously seeking. If that's you, feel free to let us know. Then, if it seems good, we can set up some sort of dialog, to help with your pursuit. If you are in the Miller Beach area, it's even possible to meet up, over a cup of coffee or something. We don't bite.